
Forum-Nexus pictures and videos

Trailer: A Life-Changing Study Abroad Experience

Why study abroad? Watch our documentary to get a glimpse of what your summer could be like this year.

Watch the full movie

An Introduction to Forum-Nexus

This is not your average study abroad program: It's a full life-changing experience! Watch the video to find out why.

Multi-Country Summer Abroad Itinerary

Take studying abroad to the next level: Travel throughout Europe and visit amazing cities and countries while earning academic credits

Student Community

In a multi-country study abroad program, you will take classes with students from around the world while traveling throughout Europe.

The Experience of Studying Abroad

Get a glimpse of what a multi-country summer abroad experience entails: friends, experiences, learning, traveling, memories for life, and more.

Classes and Professors

What are classes and professors like in a multi-country summer study abroad program? Add a life-changing experience into your schedule this summer, and study abroad!

Professional Experience

Make the most of your study abroad experience with professional visits to world-renowned companies

Real Students, One Life-Changing Summer Abroad

Hear from past Forum-Nexus students as they share what it was like to study abroad.