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Thinking about studying abroad? Find out what other students are saying about their experience with Forum-Nexus.

Herman Miller
Allie M.
Junior, Communication and Consumer Behavior - University of Southern California, CA

One of the most incredible experiences of my life! The program is truly unmatched, from the locations, the luxurious hotels, excellent instructors, and personal family feel. I cannot thank the staff and instructors enough for this life changing experience, truly one of the best times of my life!

Jeremy Girard
Romit P.
Graduate Student, Finance and Entrepreneurship - Ahmedabad University, India

The program has given me so much international exposure, and I acquired knowledge and memories that will be cherished forever. I would definitely recommend this program to my friends and to other students, since they may not even be aware that such an outstanding one-month study abroad opportunity in Europe exists.

Jeremy Girard
Parker B.
Senior, Tourism Management - University of South Carolina, SC

This program was fantastic! The amount of things done in the alloted time period is insane. I had a great time, got to know the history of beautiful places, and met awesome people. There’s no better way to see the world and take classes at the same time.

Jeremy Girard
Valerie W.
Junior, Public Relations and Photography - Grand Valley State University, MI

My whole mindset about culture has changed: I now have the attitude that no one in the world is right or wrong for the way that they do things - we’re all just different. I now have a whole new perspective on the world and this drive to continue to learn about other cultures.

Jeremy Girard
Cori S.
Sophomore, Decision Science and Business - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

I am glad that I chose to partake in such an enriching program. I have gained valuable knowledge that I would not have otherwise been able to attain. All the professors were great and showed mastery of the subject. The program director was amazing; his International IQ class was great!

Jeremy Girard
Ian M.
Junior, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology, GA

The professional visits were incredibly interesting and informative. I am extremely glad I joined the program because it has been a life-changing experience. The best times of my life were on this trip.

Herman Miller
Jineane H.
Sophomore, Nursing and Psychology - East Stroudsburg University, PA

My life is completely different after this trip. I learned so many things that I’ll never forget, from book knowledge to street smarts, and I use all of it every single day. This program was the best decision I've ever made.

Jeremy Girard
Sana S.
MBA Student, Marketing - Preston University, Pakistan

Forum-Nexus is an impressive program! I'm happy I chose it because I love to travel and FN gave me a chance to travel and utilize the concepts learned in class. The professors are knowledgeable, and the program director is amazing! He has so much knowledge and he is a great mentor.

Jeremy Girard
Orelie C.
Freshman, Economics - IQS School of Management, Barcelona, Spain

It’s very well organized, you will learn a lot, you will meet amazing people, you will have fun, and you will never see so much culture and you will never have this many experiences in a month with any other program. And I looked a lot before I chose Forum-Nexus!

Jeremy Girard
Shao Tang W.
Sophomore, Business Administration - Hult International Business School, London, England

After 4 weeks, I’ve been educated by my friends, by Hugo, Batia, Georges, and Peter. The professors are innovative. They want you to react. They want to hear from you. And between professional visits, academics, and personal life, the program is very well balanced.

Jeremy Girard
Adham T.
Graduate Student, Construction and Architectural Engineering. American University in Cairo, Egypt

I absolutely loved the program! I’m very happy I chose it as it really gave me a chance to experience traveling around Europe while learning some valuable information and meeting some of the best people. You travel, you learn, you make some great friends and an incredible amount of memories!

Jeremy Girard
Kristen Z.
Sophomore, Kinesiology - Miami University of Ohio, OH

I have loved everything about Forum-Nexus. The staff, the people, the amazing places I have gotten to see has been more than I ever expected it to be. I know so much more now than I did before coming to Europe. I have learned what I need to know to sound educated in conversations. I have reached my goal! Everyone should get to experience Europe through the eyes of Forum-Nexus!

Video Testimonials

See what it’s like to study abroad with us and hear from past Forum-Nexus students:

Summer 2016

Summer 2015

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

Summer 2011

Winter 2010-11

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